What we do
We provide vital services directly to older people in the community and we meet the highest standards so you can be assured of consistency and quality wherever you see the Age Cymru name and logo.
Age Cymru is the national charity for older people in Wales. Our family includes local Age Cymru partners who provide vital services to older people in their area. Our national partners, Age NI Age Scotland and Age UK.
We provide vital services directly to older people in the community and we meet the highest standards so you can be assured of consistency and quality wherever you see the Age Cymru name and logo.
Age Cymru has a Board of Trustees to monitor Age Cymru's strategic objectives. The Senior Management work closely with the Trustees to carry out the day-to-day running of Age Cymru.
Age Matters is our quarterly newsletter bringing lots of useful information about our work with and for older people in Wales.
Why not help us to make the most of later life for everyone by becoming part of our organisation. If we haven't any paid posts, we're always looking for volunteers.
Our values support the way we do our work.
For more information:
Call Age Cymru on 029 2043 1555