Charity calls on AMs to better protect older people from abuse
"Any kind of abuse is unacceptable" says Age Cymru
WALES' older people's charity will call on AMs to better protect older people from abuse at the National Assembly for Wales' Older People and Ageing Cross Party Group this week.
Age Cymru wants to see more support for the estimated 40,000 older people who are affected by financial, sexual, emotional, physical abuse and neglect.
"Any kind of abuse is unacceptable," said Louise Hughes, Age Cymru's Safeguarding Programme Manager who is presenting to the Cross Party Group.
"People have the right to be treated with dignity, properly cared for, respected and listened to especially as a person could mistreat you in more than one way.
"We would like to see vulnerable older people better protected from this appalling treatment."
Age Cymru provides local advocacy support for older people, providing a gateway to better protection.
"My friend was 70-years-old and her son - a violent alcoholic, was living with her, said Ms Robinson (not her real name).
"He was aggressive towards his mother and caused damage to her house.
"My friend would often call the police but then would never make a complaint to protect her son from being prosecuted."
Action on Elder Abuse Wales will also be speaking during the Cross Party Group on Older People and Ageing meeting.
"We need to see more action in tackling this totally unacceptable and outrageous behaviour towards vulnerable older people," said Swansea East AM and Chair of the Cross Party Group on Older People and Ageing, Mike Hedges.
"Advice, guidance and advocacy is essential in protecting the most vulnerable and that is why Age Cymru's safeguarding work is so important.
"I would like to see other politicians support this call for more protection and give older people the support they deserve."
Age Cymru is Wales' largest charity for older people - it works nationally and locally through its network of local charity partners to make Wales a place where older people can flourish.
Age Cymru is committed to achieving an age friendly Wales where older people have equal rights to respect, opportunities and the same access to services as the rest of the population.
We will call on Assembly Members today to better protect older people from abuse at the National Assembly for Wales' Older People and Ageing Cross Party Group meeting.
We want to see more support for the estimated 40,000 older people who are affected by financial, sexual, emotional, physical abuse and neglect.
"Any kind of abuse is unacceptable," said Louise Hughes, Age Cymru's Safeguarding Programme Manager who is presenting to the Cross Party Group.
"People have the right to be treated with dignity, properly cared for, respected and listened to especially as a person could mistreat you in more than one way.
"We would like to see vulnerable older people better protected from this appalling treatment."
We provide local advocacy support for older people, providing a gateway to better protection.
"My friend was 70-years-old and her son - a violent alcoholic, was living with her, said Ms Robinson (not her real name).
"He was aggressive towards his mother and caused damage to her house.
"My friend would often call the police but then would never make a complaint to protect her son from being prosecuted."
Action on Elder Abuse Wales will also be speaking during the Cross Party Group on Older People and Ageing meeting.
"We need to see more action in tackling this totally unacceptable and outrageous behaviour towards vulnerable older people," said Swansea East AM and Chair of the Cross Party Group on Older People and Ageing, Mike Hedges.
"Advice, guidance and advocacy is essential in protecting the most vulnerable and that is why Age Cymru's safeguarding work is so important.
"I would like to see other politicians support this call for more protection and give older people the support they deserve."