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Big Energy Savings Week

Published on 22 October 2012 01:00 PM

It's Big Energy Saving Week from 22 to 27 October.

Big Energy Saving Week is all about letting you know the things you can do to cut your energy bills down to size and help make them more affordable.

Commenting on the initiative, Age Cymru's Director of Influencing and Programme Development Victoria Lloyd, says:
"Every increase in energy bills puts more households in fuel poverty and a large percentage of these will be older households.

"Switching off the heating is not the right response - there is a lot of scientific evidence that shows that cold homes (where the living room is less than 21 degrees, and other rooms less than 18 degrees) can seriously endanger health, especially for older people.

"Age Cymru is supporting Big Energy Saving Week because older people are affected by energy price increases and by living in a cold home.

"It is crucial that everyone knows how to access the help and support they are entitled to this winter.

"Big Energy Saving Week is about just that - aiming to provide people with the help and support to check tariffs, switch suppliers and insulate homes.

"However there is also much more work for the UK and Welsh governments, local government, and the energy companies to do.

"Fuel poverty and the associated issues are getting worse and this will remain the focus of Age Cymru's campaigning this winter."


Last updated: Jan 12 2018

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