'Granny tax' debate
Published on 19 April 2012 10:30 AM
Speaking ahead of a Commons debate scheduled for later today over plans to freeze age-related tax allowances for pensioners, Age Cymru's Director of Influencing and Programme Development - Victoria Lloyd, says:
"The announcement of what has since become known as ‘granny tax' in the Chancellor's Budget in March was heavily criticised.
"It was undoubtedly the most controversial element of the 2012 Budget, and has gone on to become a real headline-grabber.
"The announcement left many older taxpayers severely disappointed and Age Cymru was surprised that those people with modest pensions and savings put by for their retirement were targeted in this way by the UK Government.
"We will be following this afternoon's debate with great interest and hope that it will result in an outcome that will be beneficial for older people in Wales and the rest of the UK".