Spring Forward Gold
Spring Forward Gold is a Forest Arts for Older people programme, in partnership with Tanio, that's being piloted in Bridgend.
Age Cymru, in partnership with the community arts organisation Tanio, has organised a series of well-being sessions for the over 50s, using creative skills within the natural environment.
The sessions will use specially trained Forest Arts practitioners to encourage older people to develop their own nature-inspired creative skills.
The course, which starts on Friday 11 August and runs throughout the summer until late October, takes place at the Maesteg Welfare Park. The sessions will be held every Friday between 10am and 12pm and people are free to do as many sessions as they want throughout the season.
Funded by Natural Resources Wales Resilient Communities fund, the sessions are free of charge while complimentary refreshments will also be provided. Support is available for anyone with transport or access issues, although the organisers have tried to ensure that the sessions are as accessible as possible.
For more information about the project, particularly about transport or access issues, call 016 5672 9246 or email helo@taniocymru.com.