Look out for older people
Published on 07 December 2010 09:30 AM
Age Cymru is calling on Welsh communities to look out for vulnerable older neighbours, friends and relatives during this prolonged period of cold weather.
Age Cymru's Rhian Pearce says:
"Whilst we're in the grip of this really cold weather we're asking everyone to be a good neighbour and to make sure older family, friends and neighbours are ok - and to do this on a regular basis.
"Making sure that there is enough food, fuel, medicines and warm clothing for this cold spell is really important.
"We know that there's an increase in slips and falls increases when there's snow and ice around and this is a particular worry for many older people.
"Whilst some roads may be gritted there are some pavements that aren't and fear of falling can put people off walking to their local shops and community centres leading to isolation and loneliness for many older people.
"A quick visit or even a phone call can make a huge difference."