My Future launch
Published on 22 June 2011 10:00 AM
Age Cymru has formally unveiled My Future - a project to help older people to maintain their dignity and self-identity.
The booklet - a collaboration between Age Cymru and Dr Blunden which is supported by the Welsh Government, was launched by our Age Cymru's Chair of Trustees, Dr Bernadette Fuge at the National Social Services Conference in Cardiff last night.
Speaking at the launch, Dr Fuge said:
"My Future may not look life very much, but Age Cymru believes this booklet is a very simple and powerful tool to support people to maintain their individual identity as they become reliant on others.
"Ultimately, My Future helps all of us to treat older people with deserved dignity and respect.
She added:
"When we are unwell and relying on others to make choices on our behalf, there is a risk that our views and preferences can be overlooked and we can then lose control of the decision-making process.
"My Future contributes to help people maintain their choice and control before these situations arise and before we may become physically or mentally incapacitated."
Dr Fuge concluded:
"From simply listing favourite past-time, music genres and foods, to stating religious beliefs and personal possessions that hold importance, the My Future booklet provides a simple yet effective vehicle to record such things for use in both formal and informal care settings."
To request copies of My Future, please ring Age Cymru on 029 2043 1555, send an email to, or you can download it from our My Future web page.