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Visit from Northern Ireland Minister

Published on 23 February 2011 04:30 PM

Age Cymru today hosted a visit from Robin Newton MBE MLA, Junior Minister in the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland.

The Minister was in Wales on a fact-finding mission ahead of the appointment of an older people's commissioner for Northern Ireland. 

He visited Age Cymru to meet older people and representatives from older people's groups to quiz them about the impact of the Older People's Commissioner for Wales.

Age Cymru's Chief Executive Robert Taylor says:

"The appointment of an Older People's Commissioner for Wales was a milestone and proof that Wales is leading the way in challenging outdated attitudes and ideas about older people and ageing.

"Today's visit provided the opportunity for an enthusiastic debate visit about the importance of the Older People's Commissioner for Wales. 

"Issues covered included the Commissioner's engagement with older people, older people's input into the Commissioner's work and has having a Commissioner made a difference. 

"It was a great privilege for Age Cymru to host the Minister on this historic visit to Wales and to host an event at which older people from across Wales were able to talk directly to him about the work of the Older People's Commissioner for Wales."



Last updated: Jan 12 2018

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